Saturday, July 4, 2009

My trip to Portland, Oregon

This is where they filmed the prom scene at the end of the movie.
They had beautiful pink trees all over.

This is the water fountain from the prom scene in the movie.

These are just a few of the pictures I took when I went to visit my friend in Oregon. Everyone told me how beautiful and green it is, but words do not do it justice. It was absolutely breath-taking.
We went to the place where they filmed "Twilight". I am also kind of a movie person. I like movies and I get a little bit starstruck.
Anyway, if some of you have never been there before, I recommend it. There is a lot to do and see there, and again, it is so beautiful.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.


  1. Hi, ever since I was young ive always had crazy dreams; mostly very clear dreams. In the past....and now...Ive noticed that....(and this happens atleast once a month and NEVER fells to catch me off guard) but I dream of my future not major parts but pieces of it. When I was younger I would always dream of my (now) husband. In the dream, I would appear at a place ive never been before and with someone Ive never met. It wasnt until we started getting serious and visiting places with his family that I realized "Ive dream of this and his family" and him and some of the things we were doing. The reason Im writing is becuase well...Ive put it in the back of my mind, feeling certain that becuase I dream of him and the places Ive been in the past that "Im on MY path in life or Im where im suppose to be" Just this morning I was doing a closing for my office AND it dawned on me...i dream of this...the people (of course at the time in my dream I didnt knwo the people), the seating postions, the room EVERYTHING was exactly like my dream. And its funny that this happened becuase in January my husband (the one from my dreams..literally LOL) was told he would have to go on training for his job somewhere out of we figured that Id go with him, months went by and he never received his order for training until two weeks ago he was told that following week he had to leave BUT the crazy thing is that it just so happened to be the exact week my boss was vacationing and I couldnt go. He begged me to ask my boss to close the office, etc but it didnt feel right to me so I told him it was not "meant to be" for whatever reason. Then I have this moment today...this moment that I dream about months ago (which I take it as Im exactly where Im suppose to be). Dont know why....but I am. So im thinking of writing my dreams down in a notebook and when I have a "moment", which I do a good bit, Id match them up. What you think?

  2. Hello, thank you for posting your dreams. I find that fascinating. I think it would be a great idea for you to keep a dream journal. It would be really awesome to be able to match up the real life events with your dreams. It would also be evidence that you really did dream it, in case anyone doubts you. It sounds like the dreams you have had are good ones. Do you ever have premonitions/dreams about other people or unhappy events?

    I also believe that it is an indication that you are right where you are supposed to be. I read a lot of books by Sylvia Browne. One of the things she talks about, is deja vu. This is when you are going about your day, and suddenly you get the feeling that everything that is happening has happened before, or it seems familiar. Sometimes you even feel like you know what's coming next. It usually only lasts for a minute or two. Sylvia Browne says that those are "road markers" we have put in place for ourselves, so that while we are on this journey of life, we will have these moments and recognize them. It helps us know that we are right where we are supposed to be. Maybe your dreams are doing the same thing. Or perhaps, you just very in tune with your subconscious future events. Either way, I find that amazing. Thank you for sharing.

    When you got the feeling that maybe you shouldn't go with your husband, that "maybe it wasn't meant to be", I think you should always go with your instincts. I do believe that there is a reason for everything. I also believe that if we learn to trust our instincts/intuition, that it will strengthen and it will never steer us wrong.

    I would love to hear about other dreams you have. If you ever feel like sharing your dreams again, I would be happy to listen.

    Thanks again,

    P.S. I had to enter my name in the comment box. It asked me for a url, so I entered my jewelry website. I make and sell jewelry, and everything is under $20.00, and I offer free shipping on all items. I don't want you to feel obligated or anything, I just wanted you to know why I entered the website.
    Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you again.


  4. Thank you for not good at this blogging stuff..ha..I noticed after I posted my comment it was on my "Trip to Portland".....which, btw, is very nice I heard!
    I have bad dreams but I feel those have no meaning (to my future) because they relate to my fears or my thoughts or what watch on TV at that those dreams I can identify with.....and I guess thats why when the "moment" does happen it catches me off guard because my dreams are so mixed. Its never big events or about someone else....its always little things...but.. when it happens the feeling I have is so strong and makes me feel so sure of where I am. Its more then Deja vu...i think...becuase I know for a fact when it happens "I dream of this!!". Im a firm believer in "if it didnt work out the first time, its not meant to be" and as cheesy as this sounds but I think thats how my dreams led me to my husband and where I am now...very happy....because I didnt push issues or relationship that knew wouldnt workout a second time.
    Ive always been interested in dreams and its meaning but the more I read online, etc the more I became uninterested. I guess it was because I already new the answer to why I was having a certain know. But I just so happen to come across a blog on yahoo and you said something about our path being layed out before were born and if we dream it that means (or could) mean we are on the right path. Well thats how I feel so Ima try to write them down and see what happens...ill let you know :) thank you

  5. I'm so happy you wrote in on my blog. It's been up for quite a while, and no one had ever really responded to it. I have always been fascinated with dreams, and the supernatural type things as well. I think it's so great that your dreams led you to your husband, I wish I would have a dream like that. LOL.

    I have been hearing a lot of mentors and life coaches, etc. say that you need to learn to be certain in uncertainty, and learn to feel comfortable when things are uncomfortable. But I honestly feel that, if you are feeling uncomfortable or uncertain about something, then there is probably a reason for that. Even though that may hold me back from moving forward in some areas of my life, I still feel that way.

    If you want, I have a couple of facebook pages. One for dreams, and one for my jewelry. The jewelry one is called "Elegantly Simple", and you can get to the dreams page by searching for "dreams and other things". You wil lbe able to read some of the dreams that people have posted, and my answers to them. But you are always welcome to come back here as well. I was so excited to see that someone came to my blog.

    If you want to keep posting your dreams here I would love to read them. By the way, I'm no expert on blogging either. lol. I kind of learn as I go.

    Thanks again,
    Amanda Fox

  6. I was also going to tell you that it is not unusual for people to have dreams like you have. I have just never met anyone who had as many as you have about themselves. Which is why I think it's so awesome. I have heard many stories about people who have had dreams about things in their future, and then actually experiencing them. For whatever reason, they have tapped into something that might be rare for many. Perhaps it is a warning for some people. My mom had a dream that she got into a car accident. She remembers the car, and color, and where it was, and what she was wearing, etc. She told me that a year to the day, that dream came true, and she was aware of what was about to happen, because she recognized everything from her dream. Another example was from my grandma. She said that a cousin of hers use to dream about a house all the time. She could describe in great detail, inside and out. Colors, rooms, and furniture. Those kinds of things. Well years later she took a trip out of the country for a vacation. Her family was taking a tour to see the city. As I remember it, she got tired, and asked the bus driver to drop her off at this bus stop, and she would get home later. As she walked a little ways, she saw the house she had been dreaming about for so long. There are many stories of this happening to people, these are just a couple.

  7. Even before I started realizing moments in my life id dream about in the past, I would be very careful of my decisions and actions; growing up I felt so far away from everyone else; more realistic. Dont get my wrong at times I got caught up in beening a teen but it never took me long to snap out of it. So as my life took turn after turn I tried to piece them together; figure out why....not matter how much it say "its not meant to be" so yesterday I couldnt help but analyze. Soo this is what I gathered...

    Naturally, when fate separates me and my husband, I cant help but think the worst....because my biggest fear would be losing when I couldnt go with him on training I couldnt help but have a bad feeling.
    Yesterday after my "moment" my Godchild (she was at work with me) logged in on facebook and read out a post my cousin wrote. She was upset and heart broken. Her 6 yr old son suffers with autism and at times is uncontrollable; she works incredibly hard with him whether its social skills or getting him on the right eating habits, etc AND she has a two yr old son. They are a handful, night and day. She was exhausted.
    So....after reading her post, I called her our convo was brief (she had to text me because she couldnt hold a convo without crying and its not like her to cry) I told her to pack their bags; they were coming sleep with me. So needless to say last night was rough BUT worth it....who knows that one night without her kids, to recollect herself and spend personal time with her husband, could have saved my cousin and/or her marriage.
    And thats how I see it. Fate didnt separate me and my husband because something bad was going to happen to one of us but becuase someone else, someone I love as much as a sister, needed my help.
    I guess, LOL.....I sure hope my husbands plane dont go down Saturday.....of course I dont allow myself to think of stuff like that :)

    PS Ill be visiting your sites....may not write anything on facebook because ive never told anyone of this....except my husband but I think he only pretends to believe me....which I dont blame him; its, kind of, one of those gotta see/feel it to believe it, you know. Everyone has some form of Deja I think he just relates it to that.

    Im Jana, btw

  8. Nice to meet you Jana.:) It's good that your friend has you to help her. You never know why things happen the way they do. Only that there is usually a reason for it. I have a brother who kind of marches to the beat of his own drum. One time we were getting ready to go on vacation and we were waiting for him. He was late, and my mom was getting antsy wanting to leave. My sister told her, something she never forgot. She said, maybe there is a reason why he is late. If he had been on time, we might have been out on the road right in the middle of an accident or something. I always think of that when something isn't working out the way I planned.

    You don't have to write anything for the public. Even though not many people come to this blog, I guess there's a possibility that someone else could read this also. I think there might be a way on facebook to send me a private message if you ever wanted to do that, instead of posting for everyone to see. But again, this is just fine too. Thanks for bringing my blog back to life. hehehehe.
